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16 Oktober 2013

European Stock-Index Futures Drop Amid U.S. Debt-Talks Stalemate

Bloomberg (14/10) -- European stock-index futures fell as U.S. lawmakers struggled to reach an accord on raising the federal debt limit and China’s exports unexpectedly dropped. Asian shares and U.S. futures declined.Electricite de France SA may be active as the U.K. said it’s close to announcing a deal with the power generator to build a nuclear power plant. PSA Peugeot Citroen may move on a rpeort it plans to sell new shares.Futures on the Euro Stoxx 50 Index expiring in December slid 0.3 percent to 2,953 at 7:15 a.m. in London as contracts on the U.K.’s FTSE 100 Index declined 0.2 percent. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures dropped 0.7 percent while the MSCI Asia Pacific excluding Japan Index retreated 0.3 percent. Equity markets in Japan and Hong Kong are closed for holidays. U.S. bond markets are shut for Columbus Day, while the stock market is open.“European markets are likely to open in negative territory as the U.S. senate failed to advance a debt-limit measure,” Stephane Ekolo, chief European strategist at Market Securities in London, wrote in an e-mail. “It is easy to understand why market participants are somehow nervous as a U.S. default is near if they do not find an agreement.”In the U.S., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he’ll continue talks with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell after negotiations between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner broke down on Oct. 12. Senate Republicans blocked Democrats’ plan to push the next debt-limit fight into 2015 and Senate Democrats rejected a proposal from Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine.
Collins Deal