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16 Oktober 2013

China Stocks Climb to One-Month High

Bloomberg, (14/10) -- China’s benchmark stock index rose to a one-month high as railway companies surged on speculation they may help build Thailand’s high-speed train system, offsetting data showing lower exports and faster inflation. The Shanghai Composite Index advanced 0.4 percent to 2,237.77 at the close, the highest level since Sept. 12. Thailand’s prime minister said China showed interest in developing the Southeast Asian country’s high-speed train system. China’s consumer prices rose 3.1 percent in September, exceeding the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey, while exports unexpectedly fell 0.3 percent.“It’s an event-driven sentiment on the railway stocks,” said Wu Kan, a Shanghai-based money manager at Dragon Life Insurance Co., which oversees $3.3 billion. “The government is now also adopting a ‘going out’ strategy for the railway industry to boost competitiveness.”