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17 Oktober 2013

Hong Kong stocks advance after U.S. debt deal

LOS ANGELES, MarketWatch (17/10) --Hong Kong stocks were higher early Thursday, following advances for U.S. stocks as Washington moved closer to reopening the government and raising the debt ceiling. The Hang Seng Index rose 0.4% and the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index gained 0.3%. Mining issues were up, with Angang Steel Co. logging a rise of 1.5% and Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd., or Chalco higher by 1.1%. Finance shares, however, turned lower, with China's central bank ready to take out 44.5 billion yuan ($7.3 billion) from the banking system this week though regular open-market operations, according to Dow Jones Newswires.Shares of China Merchants Bank Co. fell 0.4%, and shares of Bank of China Ltdand Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. each lost 0.3%. The Shanghai Composite Index CN was up 0.2%.